Friday 2 December 2011

Word To Mother at Stolenspace Gallery, Bricklane, 15.10.11.

The Word To Mother exhibition at stolen space was, in a word, 'Sick'.

 The show, titled 'Essence of Adolescence' consisted of a series of paintings by the artist some on canvas, most on wood. Some pieces consisted of a few pieces of wood, all painted on, and brought together to create one piece. The work is a mixture of childhood cartoon elements, mixed with a street/graffiti style, as well as this there is also clear evidence of influences from tattoo art.

To create his pieces the artist appears to use mostly acrylic paints, but you can also clearly see the use of 'POSCA'  pens as well as pencil and some other materials.

The artwork was hung from the ceiling by string attached to the frame work or wood of the pieces and then hung at a slight downwards angle. This makes for a good viewing experience.

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