Sunday 12 May 2013


At this point I still wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do but some plans were developing. With this piece I wanted to take what i'd learned from my experimentations with my earlier print and develop them further. Also I wanted to experiment with using symmetry within my work.
As with before I started by making sketches unsure of what exactly i wanted to draw but as is often the case I ended up drawing characters. Although I have been looking a lot at 'The Yok' lately, and i think i can see some influences from within his work as well as maybe some influence from Adam Smith.
When I had finished with the drawing I then scanned it into to photoshop and mirrored the image. While I was there I threw some colour schemes at the image and ended up with something like this. although in the end I decided to take away the brown in the horns and left them white as i thought they looked more like branches than horns in the final image. 

 While working in photoshop I also experimented with adding different backgrounds. I really like the idea of this weird conjoined twin creature that I created imposed upon these different and impressive landscapes.

I was pleased with what I learnt while making this piece. Symmetry is something that I think works really well and is some that I would like to incorporate further within my work. Unfortunately I didn't really progress with my experimentation with the backgrounds although this is something I could think about within the future.

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